Still figuring things out a bit as far as what things will go here on the blog and what stuff will go on Sports On Earth.
In the meantime, a few things I’ve written lately:
-- A bit of nostalgia about Electronic Football (not Electric Football) and the pain we used to feel back in the old days when the stopwatch at 60 Minutes started to click: Old Man Nostalgia.
-- The life and times and disappointment of Art Modell.
-- The agony of being the fifth-ranked men’s tennis player in the age of the Big Four. You can read that here and you can read Tom Tango’s brilliant rejoinder here.
-- With Rory ascending and Tiger searching for his youth, it’s a great time to be a golf fan.
Lots and lots of stuff in the hopper; like I say I’m still working out what will go here and what will go there, but I will definitely do better about letting you know what’s going up.
Saturday, September 8, 2012