Since the protagonists of The Twelve Rooms of the Nile —Florence Nightingale and Gustave Flaubert—are well-known historical figures, I’m sure every reader will have his or her own idea about which actors could ideally tackle these roles. But in my mind, Emily Blunt would make a perfect Nightingale. She has the right kind of face and coloring and, more importantly, a great gift for intensity as well as comedy. Nightingale had a killer wit, a mischievous streak that surfaced regularly as part of her rebelliousness. She was also incredibly passionate and probably the best-educated Englishwoman of her day. Blunt has the glamour and the grit for this role.Learn more about the book and author at Enid Shomer's website and Facebook page.
It is more difficult to imagine who might portray Gustave Flaubert. My current fantasy is that the role should go to a sexy unknown with a great deal of animal magnetism. Since there are only two photographs of Flaubert (he detested having his picture taken), the public doesn’t have a preconceived notion of what he looked like. One of the extant photos of him was taken by his traveling companion, the journalist Maxime Du Camp, on the trip through Egypt described in my novel. Flaubert is wearing native garb and his face is covered by a hood with pom-poms. Whoever the actor is, he should be slightly fleshy and sensuous-looking, with a mobile face to convey the alternately sensitive and lewd thoughts Flaubert was entertaining at any given time. A young Marlon Brando is the sort of man I have in mind.
As for directors: a novel set in the ancient monuments of Egypt and on the Nile calls out for a team like Merchant and Ivory, who are, alas, no longer with us or making films. If I could pick anyone in the world, it would probably be Jane Campion, whose films have the visual beauty that this story cries out for. Egypt should be as much of a character in the movie as it is in the novel. I’d also love to see what Werner Herzog could do with this story. He has the intensity and genius to match the characters’.
The Page 69 Test: The Twelve Rooms of the Nile.
Writers Read: Enid Shomer.
--Marshal Zeringue