Mark de Castrique's "The 13th Target"

A native of North Carolina, Mark de Castrique writes mysteries primarily set in the Appalachian mountains. He is an award-winning film and video producer whose work has been broadcast on PBS, HBO, and network-affiliate stations as well as the author of the Sam Blackman mystery series, the Buryin’ Barry series, and two mysteries for young adults.

If he could bankroll the production of the movie of his latest thriller, The 13th Target, here are the actors he'd select for key character roles:
Rusty Mullins is a retired secret service agent who stumbles across a plot to destroy the Federal Reserve. The main problem - the major evidence points to him as the prime suspect. George Clooney would be perfect for creating sympathy for a man caught up in a web not of his own making while trying to protect others.

Amanda Church is a former colleague of Rusty Mullins who now works for the Federal Reserve. She believes someone on the inside is setting Rusty up and tells him they can trust no one. I'd like to see Jennifer Westfeldt in the role as a savvy, seasoned agent who knows her way around Washington politics.

Robert Sullivan, a veteran Arlington, VA detective crosses paths with Rusty Mullins when he investigates the apparent suicide of Federal Reserve executive Paul Luguire, a man Mullins was safeguarding. He is first and foremost a good cop, but his suspicions about Mullins are tempered by the ex-Secret Service agent's insights and insistence that a conspiracy of enormous consequences lies at the core of the case. Glenn Morshower is my choice for Sullivan. Who? you might ask. Morshower just casts a cop aura in his tone and manner. He played Secret Service agent Aaron Pierce in 24 and Landry Clark's father in Friday Night Lights. I think he could bring an extra dimension to his TV roles as someone willing to bend the rules to get to the truth.

Sidney Levine is a former Washington Times reporter whose objectivity was questioned because of a book he wrote against the Federal Reserve. Now a blogger catering to the conspiracy theorists, Levine sees the suicide of Luguire as proof something major is going down. He locks onto Mullins and Sullivan in an attempt to rejuvenate his journalistic career with the story of a lifetime. Jonah Hill could pull off this role as a reporter who lives in the netherlands of the Internet.

Rusty Mullins has a vulnerability - his daughter Kayli Woodward and grandson Josh. As the tensions mount, their safety becomes a major concern. Rose Byrne of Damages fame would be perfect as Mullins' daughter.

Curtis Jordan is a successful thriller writer and husband of Amanda Church. She confides in him and he uses his imaginative talents to help steer her course of action. Suave and sophisticated, Jordan works on his new book from Paris while trying to help Amanda cope with the twists and turns she and Mullins encounter. Since Jennifer Westfeldt is the long-time girlfriend of Jon Hamm, I hope she would entice him to round out the cast of these key characters.

As for director, I'd want someone who can handle big canvas and intimate canvas cinematic scale. Someone who always shows respect for the story and the audience is Ron Howard. He won't let plot overshadow character, but he also keeps action and conflict moving forward.

So, I've done the hard part with these wonderful selections. Who out there wants to raise the money to make it happen?
Learn more about the book and author at Mark de Castrique's website.

Coffee with a Canine: Mark de Castrique & Gracie.

The Page 69 Test: The 13th Target.

--Marshal Zeringue

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