Linkfest - Fall of Cybertron

It turns out this week’s unintended theme for the link fest is Fall of Cybertron as collected multiple links on the subject including video reviews of Jazz & Shockwave, Achievements, Bruticus release month, and Metroplex screenshots. In addition, another look at the next three Masterpiece toys from Takara-Tomy, Scott Barga gets Academy invite, violin remix of Transformers I Arrival to Earth score and video reviews of upcoming TF Prime toys.

Next Three Masterpiece Transformers Images -
All Three | Hi-Re Gallery
A few weeks ago we got a look at the non-colored prototype of Masterpiece Sideswipe (MP-12) that Takara is releasing in a few months. Now we can get a leak at him in his fully painted glory along with a look at the Soundwave with Laserbeak (MP-13) and Red Alert (MP-14) prototypes that will clearly stick as close as possible to look of the Generation One characters. Of note is it seems Takara isn't going to try to come up with a modern alt mode for Soundwave, choosing to stick with the classic cassette boom box.

Transformers' Scott Benza Joins the Academy
Transformers trilogy animation supervisor Scott Benza was recently invited to join the Academy of Arts and Sciences. Members of the organization are those that vote for the Oscar winners each year and considered a huge honor in Hollywood. 176 members total were given invites this year, most of them either past winners or nominees including Benza who received multiple nominations for the effects work on the Transformers’ films. Congrats to him for the honor.
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