Transformers 4 To Have New Designs, Cast

In an interview with Hero Complex to promote the opening of Transformers: The Ride, Michael Bay revealed some of his intentions for Transformers 4.
The director ...says that the fourth film will include some redesign of the robots and an entirely new cast. He also said it will be his last and set the franchise up “for the next guy.”
This really isn't new "news" as aligns with reports for months that the film would act as a sort of reboot but how extensive remains unclear. Producers have said the intent would be a new Transformer and human cast but it could also be a new cast telling a story within the existing TF Bay-verse established by the first three movies. After all, there could have been more then one NEST team hunting Decepticons. It will probably be at least a year before the details are ironed out but Bay probably has near carte blanche to do whatever he likes including a fifth film if he changes his mind like he did when signed on to direct a fourth Transformer film. After all, who would really want to turn down around $100 million per film once include back end profits and merchandise sales. If interesting in reading his comments and The Ride, click here.
