Cliffjumper in Fall of Cybertron Footage

A few months ago GameTrailers TV revealed some of the first footage Fall of Cybertron. Last night they revealed more from this game, focusing on Cliffjumper. They also revealed that Metroplex will be revealed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) when it is held in June. Previous reports indicated that the "walking Sears Tower", will be on the Optimus Prime centric level as Prime's ability is to direct his actions.

As for Cliffjumper, while his graphical design is a red repaint of the Bumblebee design, his characteristics are different. The character has a cloaking ability to his level emphasis the use of stealth to get through the level, with enemy AI designed to punish the player that tries to engage in non-stealthy tactics. Below is the episode that revealed some of the Cliffjumper footage.
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