Botcon 2012 Linkfest

Botcon 2012 was held this weekend at Dallas, Texas. On hand was Hasbro who displayed and talked about many of their upcoming products including next wave of Transformers: Prime toys, SDCC exclusives including Bruticus, IDW's plans and more. Below are the highlights in new information each panel provided with links to a bunch of galleries showing off upcoming toys. The best look to be Fall of Cybertron Bruticus, stateside release of Masterpiece Prime 2.0, and Fall of Cybertron Soundwave with transformable data discs replacing the classic cassettes. Seibertron's massive gallery of images are here.

Hasbro Panel
The Hasbro panel discussed the next years’ worth of releases including Transformers: Prime, Fall of Cybertron and Generations toys. Details below.
- Transformers: The Ride Evac is based on Movie character design and has legion and deluxe sizes which will be sold at the parks for now.
- TF Prime wave four figures will be Dead-End, Shadow Strike Bumblebee, Airachnid.
- Deluxe Wave 5 will be Deluxe Kup and Runamuck
- Thundertron (from Exiles book) will be a wave 3 Voyager figure with a pirate look.
- Masterpiece Optimus Prime 2.0 is coming stateside as a Toys R Us exclusive. No release date or price (but estimate is $100). Will include his trailer, Spike figure and Roller.
- Generations will start coming out in Spring 2013. Figures will include Fall of Cybertron based Kickback, Starscream, Sideswipe, and Soundwave.
- Soundwave will be Voyager sized with Laserbeak data disc. He can hold up to three data discs that are spring released.
- Other data discs to be released will be Legends classed Rumble, Ravage, Frenzy and Ratbat Read More »

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