Transformers: Hall of Fame Nominees

Hasbro has opened voting for the 2012 nominees for the annual Transformers Hall of Fame ceremony that will be held at Botcon on April 28th. On average about four Transformers are inducted each year, with one being a fans choice. The three Transformers will be G1 Jazz, G1 Grimlock, and G1 Shockwave. The fan choice vote is between Beast Wars Megatron, G1 Wheeljack, G1 Arcee, G1 Rodimus, and Beast Wars Sky-Byte. Click here to vote. Voting closes on March 21st.

Two People that strongly influenced the Transformers are also being inducted. This year it is Chris Latta (G1 voice of Starscream) and Simon Furman (long time writer of TF comics that influenced the movies). Previous human inductees include Peter Cullen, Michael Bay, and Bob Budiansky (created of G1 bios, history, and names).
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