Mike Mullin's "Ashfall"

Mike Mullin is the author of Ashfall, which was recently named one of the top 5 young adult novels of 2011 by NPR. He’s not much of a movie buff, however, so he invited Jenny at Forever Young Adult to dreamcast Ashfall:
In Ashfall, the super volcano in Yellowstone National Park erupts, bringing an end to the world as we know it. Not only is most of the continental U.S. covered in feet of ash, but food sources have been privatized and the general population has turned into thieving, murdering cannibals (you know, like they do). Alex stayed behind when his family headed across state lines to visit his uncle -- right before the eruption -- and now he's determined to make his way to them.

Alex is a reluctant hero, and Alex Esmail (as seen as "Pest" in Attack The Block) would be the perfect young actor to bring levity to the role while still being able to pull off the intensity the situation calls for. I think he'd also be pretty adorable in his attempts to romance Darla, who is a hard-ass genius hell-bent on survival. Whether she's tending to a nasty wound Alex sustained in a fight, or gutting rabbits, or grinding corn in a bicycle-powered mill, Darla's fierce power could be portrayed by no one but Saoirse Ronan (did you see Hanna?). She would be able to depict Darla's severity and vulnerability, while being the perfect foil to Esmail's charm.
Learn more about the book and author at Mike Mullin's website and blog.

Writers Read: Mike Mullin.

--Marshal Zeringue

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