Coming February 18th is the launch of Transformers: Prime season 2 on The Hub. The first season ended with a depowered matrix used to defeat Unicron resulting in Optimus Prime losing his memories and returning to his Orion Pax identity. The teaser trailer for the premiere episode is called "Orion Pax - Part 1". Based on the description from
MTV (with trailer below) it looks like the TF Prime gain is building to a good old reformat of Cybertron, something that has been used in the Marvel comics, IDW comics, and Beast Wars/Beast Machines. Febuary 18th is a kind of Transformers Day on The Hub with return of Transformers: Rescue Bots (noon EST), TF Prime (8:30pm EST) and Transformers: The Animated Movie (9:00pm EST). Images via
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