I don’t keep up with who the flavors of the year are, acting-wise. Since the hero of my crime novel Storm Damage is a genuine tough guy and MMA fighter who’s also smart and strongly ethical, I’d have to go with either Daniel Craig or Jason Statham, although my hero is written a bit younger. Statham because he’s physical and looks more like the character I imagined; Craig because he’s the whole package and brought a deadliness to the Bond role that had been sorely lacking for decades. No doubt there are many more great candidates and I probably make for a lousy casting director!Learn more about the book and author at Ed Kovacs's website.
For my female lead I have no idea; I’d like to hear from my readers on that one. Before writing my books, I create about a five page, single-spaced backstory for each of my major characters. I do this even when I write screenplays, so I don’t need to be thinking about who would be good in the role. I have, however, gotten script-writing assignments for projects with stars already attached. The stars are seldom satisfied and often try to bring in their favorite writers for a dialogue “polish.”
--Marshal Zeringue