Well … I suspect you know why I have not posted a blog for a long time. It doesn't look like anything will be clearing up any time soon either.
But there have been things I've wanted to write about … so, with your indulgence, I believe the blog posts for the next few weeks will be Curiously Short.
I'll begin with this curiously short thought:
I wrote just about everything I plan to write for a while about the Penn State situation here. I know there are people who believe that I have a responsibility to write more, to have an opinion, to come out strong, I know this because many, many people have written to tell me that in no uncertain terms.
I respect their opinion. But I disagree with it. The way I see it: I have a responsibility to write the best, most insightful and most honest book I can possibly write about Joe Paterno. That's what I signed up for. I'm not backing down from that because of this awful, evil situation. I'm also not walking away from a life and a man. When something this horrible happens, it's hard to hear yourself think -- it's impossible for me to hear anything. I won't add to the noise. If you want to read instant and strong opinions about Penn State and Joe Paterno, I can assure you there is no shortage of howling there.