What Might Be Coming

Have spent the week in New York with family, so the posts have backed up. Here are a few posts that have been started and might be coming to a computer near you in the next few days:

-- The meaning (or lack thereof) of hitting streaks.
-- Stats and stories.
-- Walking in New York
-- The iPad review
-- The worst number in baseball (hint: It's a big number)
-- Watching home improvement shows.
-- More on baseball and stamps
-- The only love song to a stranger I ever wrote
-- Baseball managers and winning
-- Twenty five years ago
-- The 14 best football players in the NFL
-- Big 10 and Big 12 math
-- Good God, man, you're Billy Beane!
-- The car wash near my home
-- The 14 greatest shooters in basketball history

As always, your votes are welcome in the comments. And as always, yeah, I probably will just write the ones I write.

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