Warner Bros has issued a press release that announces the official titles and release dates for both The Hobbit films. Part one is called "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" out December 14, 2012. The title fits how Bilbo Baggins becomes involved in the overall battle against evil in Middle-Earth in the beginning of the book. Part two will be called "The Hobbit: There and Back Again" with release date of December 13, 2012. That sub-title is a reference to the book that Bilbo writes about his adventures as referenced in the beginning and end of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Both films are set 60 years before the trilogy but will explore aspects of Middle-Earth beyond what is explicitly covered in The Hobbit novel (such as the battle of
Dol Guldor). It is unknown if this is the worldwide release date but I would be verify surprised if it isn't. The full press release is below. Title image mockup from
The One Ring.
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