Paranormal Activity: Since x For

This movie is terrifying. It does not have any violent bloody scene, but it is extremely tense and gripping. It is about a couple who have been haunted by an entity and decide to buy an amateur camera to shoot the paranormal events that usually take place while they are sleeping. The scene is purposefully dark, because it is supposed to be an amateur footage. Critics hated it, but I enjoyed it a lot. This scene is perfect to practice the use of since and for, because it shows times and dates. The scene does not contain any violence at all, my students loved it, but mind your own audience to see if it is an appropriate segment for your group.

I. Talk to a group of students about the following questions. Then share your opinions with the class.

1. Do you believe in paranormal phenomena? Which ones?

2. Do you know anyone who is a psychic? Do you believe in psychics?

3. Have you ever experienced anything that you considered paranormal?

4. Would you like to see the spirit of someone you used to love very much when he (she) was alive? Why (not)?

5. Are you scared of paranormal phenomena? Explain it.

II. Watch the movie segment now. Match the times and dates shown in the movies with the events that took place during the scene.

1. September 17th, 2006

2. October 6th, 2006, 1:34:00 am

3. 1:34:15 am

4. 3:04:42 am

5. 3:04:51 am

6. 3:05:13 am

( ) The other bedroom lights are turned on.

( ) The other bedroom lights are turned off.

( ) They started filming the events.

( ) The couple were sleeping.

( ) The sheets move by themselves.

( ) They wake up.

Answer key: 4,5,1,2,3,6

III. Now complete the blanks of the exercises below with FOR or SINCE, based on the information in exercise II.

1. They have been filming the events ______ September.

2. They have been experiencing paranormal activities _______ at least 19 nights.

3. They had been sleeping _____ a few hours when the sheets moved.

4. The lights in the other bedroom remained on _________ about 10 seconds.

5. When the lights turned off, the couple kept on sleeping ________ more than 2 hours.

6. They had been sleeping ______ 1:34:00 am without noticing anything strange during the night.

7. With the lights on, she said that she felt that someone had been watching her _________ the moment she woke up.



Answer key: 1. since - 2. for - 3. for - 4. for - 5. for - 6. since - 7. since

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