The Hitcher: Modal Verb SHOULD - Advice

This movie is a classic that has changed many people's opinions about giving rides to strangers on roads. I took advantage of the opening scene to have student practice modal verbs for advice - SHOULD - OUGHT TO.

Before watching the segment:

A. Talk to a partner. Make a list of what drivers should and should not do when they travel by car alone during the night.

What drivers should (ought to) do:
1 - ........................................................
2 - ........................................................
3 - ........................................................
4 - ........................................................

What drivers shouldn't (oughtn't to) do:
1 - .........................................................
2 - ........................................................
3 - ........................................................
4 - ........................................................

B. Watch the segment now. Check which of the pieces of advice you came up with in exercise A the main character of the movie did not follow.

C. Talk to a partner. For your information, the driver will manage to escape. Come up with the conclusion of the scene knowing that the hitcher won't achieve his goal, which was to kill the driver. Be creative; use your imagination.

D. Share your stories with the whole class and choose the most creative one.


How to develop your own video activity.

- Select a scene in which the characters disobey the law or do things they will regret.
- Ask students to give pieces of advice for one to follow in such situations.
- Play the scene you had selected.
- Have students check which pieces of advice were not followed by the characters.

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