WALL-E: Future Will

This movie is one of the best ever. It is creative and critical at the same time. This scene shows people in a future that is so automatized that the inhabitants of the colony don't have to make any effort to get what they need, so everyone is extremely fat! Both adults and kids will enjoy the segment.

Before watching the movie segment:
Discuss the following questions with a partner:

1) What's your opinion about living in a time in which all your activities were performed by robots and machines?

2) Would you like to to have machines do all of your physical activities for you?
3) What would the consequences be if people didn't have to exercise at all during the whole day?

4) Would life be better or worse if you had robots to do everything for you? Explain it.

5) Do you think life in 2642 will be better or worse? Justify your answer.

Now watch the movie segment and write down how different life will be in the future, according to the movie, WALL-E. Write at least 10 sentences describing what people and machines will do in the future and how people's lives will be like, according to the movie. Observe the items below and write sentences about them.


Ex: People will move around in floating armchairs.
Follow-up questions:

1) Do you think people will be happier in the future, according to the movie?
2) Will the future like it was presented in the movie a possible reality? Why (not)?
3) How do you think life will be like in 2642?

Kinesthetic Game:
Group Work: Make a list of activities of things people will do in the year 2100, but that they don’t (can’t) do nowadays. Write at least 10 sentences. Be creative!
Now act out what you wrote down, whereas the other groups write down sentences, saying what the people you mimed will do in 2100.
Finally, the groups read what they came up with out loud, and you check who got closest to what had originally acted out.

How to develop your own video activity:
Assessing: Will

- Choose a segment in which the future is shown in a way that it is completely different from the present world.
- Prepare brainstorming discussion questions to activate schemata.
- Play the segment and have sts predict the future using "will".
- You may provide the students with key words to observe during the segment.


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